Cancer Mission concludes in Santa Cruz

The 2019 Oncological Surgery Mission Trip concluded in Santa Cruz on April 13. As with everything we do, it took an untold numbers of individuals and institutions working in solidarity to make this mission trip possible.

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Pray, Fast, Give: Palm Sunday

As we celebrate Palm Sunday and begin Holy Week, we enter into Jesus’ suffering and death. We journey with him through his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and sit at the Last Supper with his disciples. We hear his agony in the Garden and witness his betrayal and crucifixion. We watch, as the women gather at the foot of his cross, and he breathes his last breath.

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Pray, Fast, Give: Fifth Week Sunday of Lent

This week, we encounter the familiar story of the woman caught in adultery. A large crowd has gathered in the temple to hear Jesus teach, when the Pharisees bring in the woman and challenge Jesus as to her fate. They tell him that the law says she must be stoned. Jesus doesn’t rise to the bait or contradict the law. Instead, he tells them that whoever is without sin should cast the first stone. As Jesus writes in the dirt, one by one, the accusers leave. Jesus then rises and speaks directly to the woman. He does not dispense punishment, but asks her to change her ways.

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The Way Becomes Clear

After a week of interviews with medical staff at the Santa Bárbara Hospital in Sucre, it became clear to the Solidarity Bridge mission team that this was the right place for a long-term partnership to advance neurosurgical care. The team was impressed with the scope of the need, but also with the professionalism and commitment of the Santa Bárbara nurses and physicians who serve an incredible volume of patients in spite of significant equipment and human resource limitations.

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