Posts in Updates from the SB Team
Happy Thanksgiving!

Meister Eckhart wrote, "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."  

On this Thanksgiving day, here are just a few of the many prayers of thanks from the Solidarity Bridge community. To each and every one of you who make this mission of healing and empowering possible, thank you!

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Join us in welcoming our new staff!

What better time to introduce new staff than Springtime! You’d never know by our fast moving medical programs, events, mailings and office operations that we’ve had staff transitions. But in the past 12 months we said goodbye to four Solidarity Bridge staff members who either retired, returned to graduate school or moved on to a larger job opportunity. Thank you, Juan Lorenzo and Sarah Hinojosa, Kira Foken, and Mara O'Brien for your loyal service and enormous contributions over many years.

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