Happy Thanksgiving!

Meister Eckhart wrote, "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."  

On this Thanksgiving day, here are just a few of the many prayers of thanks from the Solidarity Bridge community. To each and every one of you who make this mission of healing and empowering possible, thank you!

"Thank you for coming from so far, for coming with the blessing of God. I had an operation and now I am doing so much better. May God bless you, and please come back, because it is not just Punata, but all of Bolivia that needs you."
 - Isabel, Gynecological Surgery Patient
"I'm thankful for the honor of sharing the mission experience with a group of intelligent, creative, hard working and talented missioners, for the warm welcome extended by the patients and families in Bolivia and for the opportunity to remain a member of this faith community."
- Dr. Mary Hall, Pediatrician
"I am so grateful to all of the missioners for their willingness to come here, to know this country and to share their talents."
- Cecilia Miranda, Interpreter
"I am grateful for the spirit of invitation, hospitality, and inclusion of Solidarity Bridge. It is a place to heal and be healed, to serve and be served, to grow and help others to grow. Truly it is a faith-filled community called by God and growing through faith. I am grateful to have found my place set at this bountiful table of blessings."
- Paula Fernandez, Board Member