Posts in Medical Mission Trip Blog
Beautiful Landscapes for the Beginning of a Journey

Our multi-specialty mission team is working at the municipal hospital of Punata this week. Punata is a small city encircled by the Andes mountains, but thanks to the publicity efforts of the Puente de Solidaridad staff, patients from all over the region are travelling to our location to take advantage of our missioner’s expertise.

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Fertile Ground for Scientific Exchange

Learn about the fruits of our most recent neurosurgery mission trip, which included a two-day course on Pediatric Neurosurgery. It is our hope that Solidarity Bridge’s Program for the Development of Neurosurgery continues to turn the earth like a plow, opening furrows for the enhancement of neurosurgery, and a commitment among all in medicine to use these advanced skills to serve those in great need.

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All About Vision, All About Care: Surgeons Gather in La Paz, Bolivia

The purpose of the mission is to provide training to Bolivian neurosurgeons and ENT surgeons in endoscopic skull base surgery. The course has attracted surgeons from all around Bolivia, and will include lectures and the commented operative simulcast of five surgeries. Of the five patients whose surgeries will be central to the course, four are working women in the prime of their lives who are losing their vision -- and their livelihoods -- to pituitary tumors. 

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Flowers and Firecrackers: Women Celebrate Mission in Tiquipaya

 During this week in which we celebrate both International Women’s Day and San Juan de Dios, our mission recognizes the importance of female patients voicing their needs to seek medical care, without fear of shame. Most of all, we celebrate the power of women contributing to a higher standard of care -- and living longer and happier lives.  

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