Mission Appeal(ing)
Written by Ann Rhomberg, Executive Director
Each summer the Global Mission Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago facilitates the Mission Cooperation Plan, formerly known as the Annual Mission Appeal, which enables 100+ organizations to share their stories of global mission efforts and invite financial support from parishioners across the region. As part of this effort, I had the great privilege of representing Solidarity Bridge throughout weekend masses at Our Lady of Mercy Parish in July and at St. Mary of the Angels Parish in August.
Our Lady of Mercy Pastor, Fr. Nick Desmond, poses with Ann Rhomberg and Kurt Florian
At Our Lady of Mercy Parish, I was joined by Solidarity Bridge board member, Kurt Florian, who helped speak at their second campus, St Francis Xavier Chapel. In our respective locations, we were invited to give a short reflection after Communion. Kurt and I described Solidarity Bridge’s aim of increasing access to surgery and other essential healthcare in Bolivia and Paraguay through systemic efforts in medical training, equipping and mentorship. Then, referencing our ‘Eucharistic Amen’ as the means by which we become the Body of Christ, we appealed to parishioners to give boldly of themselves on behalf of those most vulnerable by dropping a contribution into the second collection.
At St. Mary of the Angels Parish, I spoke at the very end of each Mass and after describing Solidarity Bridge’s work, I referenced the Gospel reading and made this appeal to parishioners:
‘Strive to enter the narrow gate’ by making a gift, in solidarity with Christ and those among us who are most in need.
St. Mary of the Angels Pastor, Fr. John Waiss with Ann Rhomberg
Of all the hats I wear as Executive Director of Solidarity Bridge, this one of parish partnering is a favorite. Praying alongside the lay faithful throughout numerous Masses provided me with time to gratefully reflect on the many grace-filled happenings at Solidarity Bridge while offering prayers for the patients and medical communities with whom we work.
Despite being pulled away from summer biking, swimming, and lake-front walking in this glorious weather, I experienced great joy in my Mission Appeal-ing this summer. Next month, when I depart for Bolivia, I will surely carry with me this experience of our global church and the generosity and solidarity of these parish communities.