Like Mother Like Daughter
Written by Fr. Bob Oldershaw, Solidarity Bridge Board Member and Mission Trip Chaplain
As I entered the sala de las mujeres (women’s ward), in San Juan de Dios hospital in Cliza, I spotted a familiar smile—that of Paola Guzman whom I had previously seen scurrying about the second floor caring for all the pre- and post-operative patients—adjusting IVs, distributing meds, carrying trays, comforting and cheering, and easing the anxiety of those who had never undergone surgery. Paola had been nursing patients at San Juan de Dios for nine years as a “licenciada,” professional. Indeed, she was truly a professional who cared for her patients with authority and tenderness.
Jose, Paula, her grandaughter, and her daughter Narit (l to r)
Approaching her bed I asked, in my limited Quechua, “Imanalla kasanki?” (How are you?) “Waleijia!” (Fine) she responded with her cheery voice that had just a hint of anxiety. Paola was awaiting her gallbladder surgery, so I began to reassure her, as she had reassured so many others. Her response took me by surprise. “I’m not anxious about my surgery,” she said. “I’m anxious about my daughter, Narit who is over there.” She pointed to a bed across the room. “Narit is having the same surgery today. She’s so young and has two little children. I worry for them and for her husband Jose.
What a moving expression of selfless love! Here was a woman about to undergo surgery who was worried, not for herself, but for her young daughter. She was bearing her daughter’s fear and anxiety as her own burden.
It is this selfless love for others—the love of Jesus incarnate in the Paolas, in our missioners, and in you—that is the heart of Solidarity Bridge.
So I said, “let’s hand that anxiety over to Jesus.” And listening to the story of Jesus healing the centurion’s servant, we began the anointing of the sick. We prayed, “Lord, give life and health to Paola and her daughter Narit, on whom we lay hands in your name.”
I anointed both with blessed oil that they might be freed from pain and illness.
Paula and Narit before surgery
Later that day, both mother and daughter had successful operations. The next day they joined other patients, the hospital staff and missioners of Puente de Solidaridad and Solidarity Bridge for the closing ritual of our 100th mission.
Paola expressed her gratitude to all for accompanying her patients, colleagues, and her own family. She said: thank you for being in solidarity, and for sharing with us because we are one, SOMOS UNO!
Paola and Narit were 2 of 287 patients who received life-changing surgery through Solidarity Bridge in 2019. It is our vision that surgery and other essential healthcare be accessible to all. Will you donate today to ensure that our positive vision of healing can reach hundreds of new patients in 2020?