2014 Neurosurgery Mission Trip Update

Juan Lorenzo Hinojosa, Ph.D. - Solidarity Bridge's Founding / New Initiatives Director
Juan Lorenzo Hinojosa, Ph.D. - Solidarity Bridge's Founding / New Initiatives Director

All has gone as planned with our Neurosurgery Mission Team so far. In Santa Cruz, our course was given in endoscopic intra-nasal surgery under the auspices of the Santa Cruz Society of Neurosurgeons. Our team of Dr. Moser and Dr. Vaezi then tutored physicians during 3 surgeries in this surgical technique while the pediatric team of Dr. DiPatri and Dr. Glick operated on two babies with Spina Bifida. We are now in Cochabamba, and we'll deliver the same course there under the auspices of the Bolivian Neurosurgical Society. Three mentored surgeries and two more pediatric surgeries will be performed in the days ahead. Meanwhile, I'm happy to report that the development of our new Neurosurgery Institute continues. We got a big boost through a meeting with the neurosurgery society and the health authorities of Santa Cruz who offered a small building for its offices. There is great interest and excitement about this new effort.

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