Solidarity Bridge's annual Multi-Specialty Mission Trip (MSMT) supports and complements our year-round programs. This is typically our largest mission effort, during which a team of 25 to 30 diverse professionals and ancillary staff work with Bolivian colleagues at host hospitals to serve the population, while advancing local capacities to continue the work after we leave. Specialties may include general surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, family practice, cardiology, neurology, and dentistry. Non-medical missioners are encouraged to join this effort as helpers, photographers, and bloggers.

Learn More:

See past reports from Multi-Specialty Mission Trips.

Meet a patient, Esperanza, a grandmother struggling to recover mentally and physically from a stroke.

Our 2019 Multi-Specialty Mission Trip will take place this fall, in late September/early October. Interested in joining the team? 
Learn more about becoming a missioner. 

What is the heart and soul of true solidarity? Solidarity Bridge trains and equips medical communities, empowering them to serve those in need. This video delves into the spiritual foundations of our work. See more videos.