Strengthening Health Systems through Biomedical Engineering

Ensuring donated biomedical equipment remains in good working order requires access to spare parts and consumables, and biomedical engineers and technicians with the skills to provide ongoing maintenance and repairs. This was the impetus for a recent mission trip organized in partnership with the TriMedX Foundation.

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An Integrated Approach to Traumatic Brain Injury Care in Bolivia

Anyone who has witnessed the devastating impact of a traumatic brain injury knows that an integrated approach is needed to care for patients and support their reintegration into society. On a November NNI trip to Hospital Santa Bárbara in Sucre, Bolivia, we expanded our focus to the entire spectrum of care for TBIs.

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Focus on Complex Care

The three patients treated during our trip had experienced sudden and severe headaches and nausea, caused by a high-grade AVM. The complexity of their cases pushed the limits of surgical treatment available in Paraguay. But the doctors at the Hospital Nacional de Itaguá were motivated and eager to advance their skills in this type of care.

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