Posts in Updates from the SB Team
The Way Becomes Clear

After a week of interviews with medical staff at the Santa Bárbara Hospital in Sucre, it became clear to the Solidarity Bridge mission team that this was the right place for a long-term partnership to advance neurosurgical care. The team was impressed with the scope of the need, but also with the professionalism and commitment of the Santa Bárbara nurses and physicians who serve an incredible volume of patients in spite of significant equipment and human resource limitations.

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Cambiamos juntos para mejorar: We change together to improve

The Solidarity Bridge team presented a proposal for a long-term, collaborative initiative with the Santa Bárbara Hospital focused on advancing neurosurgical care. Recognizing that the actual surgery procedure is just one part of the process, the proposed initiative would also seek to engage the many pre-, intra- and post-operative areas that are integral to the care of the neurosurgical patient.

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Gifts Greater Than You Can Ever Imagine: An Interview with Father Bob Oldershaw

“[I]n the context of today, when so many walls are being constructed in the world, how would you like to build a bridge? The bridge is being built; it's under way. How would you like to add to that, to cross that bridge and share the talents and gifts and expertise you have?” - Fr. Bob Oldershaw

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